We have two "full blown" 1401 systems, each with all the usual options:
- 16,000 characters of core memory - three or more 729 mag tape units each - optional index registers, branch conditions, ... capable of running all IBM standard software not needing additional peripherals. Both machines were made after the serial # 25,000 "re-packaging" change.
The two machines are commonly identified as:
DE - indicating the 1401 system from Germany (arrived at CHM first)
German (DE) 1401:
Serial number 28,421 Built: May, 1964 Elapse run time meter at arrival = 68,730.02 hours
The 1401 shipment arrived at the CHM's loading dock on Thursday, March 18th, 2004
The machine used European power (50 Hz), we used a 60 Hz (local power) to 50 Hz converter. Many of the original start-up problems were caused by the limited power of the original power converter.
This machine has two added options:
CT - indicating the 1401 system from Connecticut
Connecticut (CT) 1401:
Serial number = 25,478 Built: 1961 Run time meter at arrival = ? (I don't think the CT machine has a total elapse time meter.)
The 1401 shipment arrived at the CHM's loading dock on Monday May 5th, 2008