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Schedule of Events 2004
- 693 IBM 1401 System (1960), X2704.2004, Gift of Robert Garner, Grant Saviers, Len Shustek, Bernard Peuto, Mike Cheponis
from Mike Cheponis, - Aug 8, 2023 The eBay ad was on the German eBay. I was tipped off to its existence by Eric Smith. I brought the Ad to the attention of Grant and Len and others at the CHM, including CHM head at the time, John Toole.
I suspect eBay has the exact ad, somewhere, on some server or backup.
It was just a bit of text (German), and about a dozen pictures --- that's a hazy recall, Paul.
- A group of early meeting reports from Robert Garner, individually presented below
- January 16, 2004 - Meeting #1 Summary
- February 11, Meeting #2 Summary
- March 12, 2004 - Meeting #3 Summary
from Mike Cheponis, - Aug 8, 2023 A demonstrator wished for copies
MikeZaharesArrival- April 02, 2004 - Meeting #4, Meeting Notes
- June 4, 2004 - Meeting - Meeting Summary, Word format)
- June 9, 2004 - 1:00 - Ed and Mary start to copy IBM 1401 11x17 manuals.
- June 11, 8:30 AM! - About 7 grizzled 1401 experts, (not me!) and Mary, showed up to begin the long process of inventorying and accessioning the 1401 docs, cards, and tape.
June 16, 2004 - 11:00 - 1:00 - 1401 team meeting (Meeting Summary, Word format) June 23, 2004 -9:00 - Subunit leaders plus newly appointed (by the June 16th kangaroo court) Chuck Kantmann as system leader (to coordinate subunit leaders) will meet with Mary to continue inventorying as per June 11th June 30, 2004 - 9:00 - [from Robert Garner](Meeting Summary, Word format) July 6th, 2004 -10:45 - from C J Kantmann -
"Let's gather and roll up some sleeves and have a little party."Activity Report
- remove all covers
- complete Physical Object Screen forms for the equipment in the 1401 room/lab
- detail power analysis with regard to using the 1402/1403 in the display area and 60 cycle power supplies from the 1401 and determine if we can make this a 60 cycle system or not
July 9th, 2004 - 9-12, 1401 Power & PowerSupply study - from Robert Garner - July 14th, 11-1+ pm - [from Robert Garner], Meeting Summary Wednesday July 21st 2004 - at 10:00AM until ? - from C J Kantmann - Our next roll up the sleeves gathering. Activity Report July 22nd 2004 - Grant Saviers checked into 1402 rust and bearings. Activity Report July 23rd 2004 - LaFarr Stuart and Ed Thelen re-forming capacitors Activity Report Wednesday July 28st 2004 - at 10:00AM until ? - from C J Kantmann - Our next roll up the sleeves gathering. Activity Report Wednesday August 4th 2004 - at 10:00AM until ? - from C J Kantmann - ... roll up the sleeves gathering. Activity Report Wednesday August 11th 2004 - at 10:00AM until ? ... roll up the sleeves gathering -Activity Report Wednesday Aug 18th, 2004 - from Robert Garner, 1401 all-hands meeting, 11am to 1+pm, Everyone is welcome to attend!
5 Kva static 50 Hz converter likely to arrive early September
Usual "roll up sleeves" work at 10:00Thursday Aug 19th, 2004 - Museum recommended CPR/AED training, 1 day training, Wednesday August 25th 2004 - Usual "roll up sleeves" work at 10:00
Robert Garner brought a capacitor checker, it agreed with the existing method used by LaFarr and Don Cull:-)) Robert also brought an adjustable 300 watt load for load checking power supplies. Floor tiles arranged to use existing cut-outs, 15 uncut floor tiles would be nice, 25 would be perfect. Group examined 1402 for non-standard field changes. Ron Williams and Bob Erickson have all 1401 fans working, ready to start checking power and control circuits from 1402. Frank King looking for 1403 CE documents.Saturday August 28th 2004 - Experimental "roll up sleeves" work at 10:00
Some people have trouble meeting/working Wednesdays. Ron Williams reported that about 5 people showed up - a mostly different group than the Wednesday group.Wednesday September 1st - Usual "roll up sleeves" work at 10:00
Bill Flora brought a 1402 service document. Ron Williams and Bob Erickson "rang out" some connections between 1401 and 1402. Don Cull found reason a timing belt had been broken in the 1402 - punch timing wheel jammed. Glen Lea and Ed Thelen did bench testing of 140x power supplies. Two verified for full rated power to load so far :-)) 6 volts head-room 1 volt ripple on filter capacitors, regulation ripple well below specs as per Ron Williams. We need 1402 parts exchange permits soon.Wednesday September 8st 2004 - Usual "roll up sleeves" work at 10:00
The Elgar 5 Kva 50 Hz power unit, gift of IBM San Jose, is now in the 1401 room!! Dave Bennet of IBM helped secure the unit. Robert Garner and Ed Thelen moved it. CHM volunteer Mr. Yee of Frank Electric will connect it to building power? Dag Spicer gave verbal sign-off on e-mail requests for parts swap with 1402 in Visible Storage. Bill Flora inserted pictures of requested parts into 1402 log book. Frank King (back from Burning Man) continued 1403 activities. Ron Williams and Don Erickson installed 3 checked power supplies into 1401. Ed Thelen and Dan McInnis continued checking others at full rated load - one capacitor oozes, seems to have a failed expansion plug - to be replaced.Saturday September 11th 2004 - "Roll up Sleeves" work at 10:00 - Saturdays "work" - 2nd & 4th :-))
Four of the usual Wednesday work group were there :-)) but none of the folks that expressed special interest in Saturdays :-|
Frank King prepared to swap 3 rusty 1403 parts with visible storage, but the visible storage machine is a different model and the parts are not interchangeable! Grant Saviers will work on these rusty parts. We "borrowed" a cable clamp from visible storage machine. Ed Thelen changed out a power supply capacitor that was leaking fluid. Bob Erickson and Ron Williams found a shorted pass transistor, type 108, in a failed power supply and removed it leaving three good pass transistors - good enough until we get a replacement. The next failed power supply does not regulate - the output remains 1/3 of the filter capacitor voltage. Probably need an external +6 volt connection (power sequencing) to make it behave - the schematic shows a 6 volt optional input. "Next time :-))".Wednesday September 15th 2004 - Usual "roll up sleeves" work at 10:00 -
Four of the usual Wednesday work group were there :-)) (I (Ed Thelen) had previously delivered three rusty 1403 parts (above) to Grant Saviers.) All 140x power supplies checked out under full load and re-installed. The 6 volt trick works - part of power sequencing and circuit protection? 240 volts 60 hz applied to 1401 fan motors - They now REALLY spin and move air! We now need:
- a proper "wall plug" and power cable to the 1402.
See 1402 Power Input Plug Discussion for current situation.- a determination of the unusual power wiring in the 1402
- power to the 1402 to continue power up check out.
Thursday Sept 16th, 2004 - a repeat of CPR/AED training mentioned Aug 19th, Tuesday Sept 21st - an unscheduled work day
- Jim Yee (museum volunteer electrician) said he could meet with the 1401 crew about power hook-up. Frank King, Ron Williams, Bob Erickson and I came in to meet him. A plan was worked out to connect wall panel, Elgar 50 Hz unit, 1402. The authentic 1402 power plugs cost about $500, we are settling for 1/10 that. The derusted painted 1403 parts from Grant Saviers were re-installed. More wiring in the 1402 was checked, did not match some drawings, but the drawings seemed incorrect (the same circuit should not be named 30 volts and 12 volts?). We spent several interesting hours trying to smooth a spare 1403 chain and housing - wild stuff !Wednesday September 22nd 2004 - Usual "roll up sleeves" work at 10:00
A complex week, see report here.4th Saturday "roll up sleeves" canceled - no power Wednesday September 28th 2004 - Usual "roll up sleeves" work at 10:00 - see report here Activity Report Saturday October 2, 2004 2004 - not a regular Saturday - Wednesday October 6th 2004 - MONSTER Activity Report with lots of action and pictures ;-)) 2nd Saturday October 9th 2004 - Robert Garner, Bob Erickson, Ron Williams, Tim Coslet and Ed Thelen attended. Lunch was Betsy's brownies, cookies, salads, Togo Sandwich :-))
Numbered list from agenda:- Remove German jumpers, restore to original schematic.
- Finish installing the two circuit breakers from the VS 1402, See Ron Williams drilling a hole in a holy artifact!, re-installing the DE 1402's contactor, attach new power cable, and clean the 1402's neutral terminal strip. - Yup
- Finish re-strapping & test the Elgar for 380V phase-to-phase, 220V phase-to-neutral. - Done and checked
- Continue the 250/500V Megger testing on 1402. - Checked
- All capacitors in 1st 729 power supply - checked !! :-))
Tim Coslet said that the IBM 108 power transistor Bob Erickson installed Wednesday was from an IBM power supply he rescued from a land fill when he was in high school.Wednesday October 13th 2004 - "roll-up-sleeves" - 10 AM to ~ 3 PM see fun activity report and challenge and original challenge . Wednesday October 20th 2004 - "roll-up-sleeves" - 10 AM to ~ 3 PM (4th)Saturday October 23rd - "roll-up-sleeves" - 10 AM to ~ 3 PM
Bill Flora's Report 10/25/04Wednesday October 27th 2004 - We're ready for our next 1401 restoration project, all-hands, sync-up meeting!
Informal interim Report for October 27th 2004 -
- It seemed like 18 project people attended. (Robert Garner made a list and took notes.)Then a number of us retreated/advanced to the 1401 room and
- - 1401 - struggling with/against power
- 1402 - need Visual Storage for a few weeks more
- 1403 - Frank King back from vacation !
- 729s - Allen Palmer back from vacation !- Software - Ron Mak plans programming classes, with card punching and printing
- Mechanical - Steve couldn't stay, Grant had a different meeting
- Documentation - Paula formed a 4 person documentation group to inventory and duplicate. Hardware wants software to do their own inventorying
- Work parties - Working well -
- Mike Falarski gave building class to three new key holders
- Restoration pledge - two person minimum for safety!
- Web site - folks were kind :-))
- Restoration plan - Robert's challenge
- turned the chattering/sparking 1401 ON and OFF enough to satisfy Tesla.
No report offered because the results too confusing.
- completed testing the capacitors in the other Mod 5, 729 power supply
- continued work on 729s, 1402, 1403
Wednesday November 3rd 2004 - 10- ~ 3, Lots of action possible
see The struggle continuesSaturday Nov 6, 2004 -work and show 1401 restoration to Vintage Computer Festival ;-)) About 8 people showed up and worked on various things, including more measurements of the Elgar supplying the 1401 system, (phase B spike continues even when supplying outside power to the main contactor. Robert Garner will call Elgar Monday), visited with VCF guests, and enjoyed the "VCF". Tuesday November 9th 2004 - 10 AM - a group to help Paula find, organize, record,
Paula busy, Ron, Ed, and Allen looked around, did not find needed "ALD" documentsWednesday November 10th - 10 AM - Roll up sleeves for hardware group
Found Elgar missing neutral (jumpers) causing reduced efficiency. Continued 729 restoration.Wednesday November 10th 2004 - Ron Mak says "Kick-off meeting of the 1401 software team"
Activity ReportSaturday November 13th 2004 - 9:30 AM - second Saturday - free food ;-)) Oh yes, work also
See Nov. 13, Second Saturday - Activity Report
"Action"?? Watching a clock count hours?!?
Yup! Elapsed time meters such as this produced revenue for IBM from 1401s and other IBM products on lease or maintenance. You had a 1 shift lease, or 2 shift lease, or some other arrangement - and this meter kept watch on customer run time. The right hand side is CE run time.
Could make life tough for midnight hackers trying to learn computing. :-((
Another meter kept track of power on time.Wednesday November 17th 2004 - 10 AM - Milt Thomas, Bob Erickson, Glen Lea inventoried SMS cards - got just about done.
10:00 - Ron, Ed, Allen and Bill W. met with Paula, document training, search for ALDs. Ron and Ed copied another set of 1401 ALDs (Automated Logic Diagrams) book #34 & 35, yielding a master and a working copy. Thursday, Robert Garner submitted Elgar Power Status 11/18/04Wednesday November 24th 2004 - holiday! Allen Palmer, Frank King and Chuck Kantmann decided to work on the 1401 as usual :-)) I was showing Nathen P. Edwards, mentioned several times in the book "IBM's Early Computers", around.
This is the main core stack in the 1401 itself (there is another in the 1406). Note the larger cores in the red areas - these are switch cores to help reduce the numbers of high power transistors necessary to drive the 1/2 ampere half select currents to the main core stack. Later transistor developments and cost improvements made the use of switch cores less useful. Saturday November 27th 2004 - holiday! Wednesday December 1st 2004 - 10 AM - Roll up sleeves -
Jim Yee installed larger circuit breakers and wires to Elgar. Power should be available for hours instead of seconds. Robert Garner, Ron Williams, Bob Erickson, Don Cull, Milt Thomas, Glenn Lea and Ed Thelen were present. SMS card inventory completed. Moldy card boxes removed, cards now in new boxes. Paula showed us the 1620 documentation room which the 1401 team is moving into. Holes punched for 4 Automated Logic books.Wednesday December 8th 2004 - 10 AM - Roll up sleeves -
Jim Yee has installed larger 3-phase circuit breakers and larger gauge wire to the Elgar power converter. :-)) We should/DID have power for hours :-)) The following people were present - -Frank King, Bill Flora, Ron Williams, Milt Thomas Bob Erickson, Robert Garner, Allen Palmer, Glenn Lea.Saturday December 11th 2004 - 9:30 AM - second Saturday - Pizza :-))
Present were: Allen Palmer, Tim Coslett, Bob Erickson, Ron Williams, Robert Garner, Ed Thelen. More discoveries on the power situation. The main contactor in the 1402 needs 50 Hz, during bring up it was on a 60 Hz temporary circuit and did not close reliably. The power supply in the 1st 729 tape unit has been re-installed after checking capacitors and performance. The glitch in one phase is still present. Wiring schematics for 1403 have not been found.
Tim Coslet, Ron Williams, and Bob Erickson chasing a clock pulse problem. Note the use of "IBM Blue" "pulpit" that Ron Williams made. ;-)) Wednesday December 15th 2004 - 10 AM - Roll up sleeves -
Present were: Bob Erickson, Ron Williams, LaFarr Stuart, Ed Thelen, Milt Thomas, Glen Lea, Dan McInnis.
Dan McInnis gave Glenn, Ed and LaFarr a tutorial on his discoveries of making the 1401 simulator at to work. It took Dan about 2 months of patient investigation to find sufficient operating rules to make it useful. Ron Williams and Bob and Milt discovered several things - including why the operator's panel lights were so dim - someone had painted to back of the plastic panel white, obscuring the lamps.
December 15th Tutorial - Dan McInnis spent two months figuring how to make an undocumented script driven IBM 1401 simulator work. (from He is demonstrating how to set up the scripts and run the simulator to Glenn Lea, LaFarr Stuart, and Ed Thelen. The simulator comes complete with the SPS Assembler and is very handy :-)) ![]()
A screen shot of the above simulator. Note the card reader hopper, printed page, card punch hopper, and various controls. There is no particular effort by this simulator to emulate the actual 1401 console. Saturday December 25th 2004 - Merry Christmas Holiday - go to Schedule 2005 January - March