Schedule November 2007
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Thurs November 1 - 729 tape drives, Demos at Vintage Computer Festival
Wed November 07 - general, Sat November 10 - 2nd Sat.
Wed November 14 - general,
Wed November 21 - general, Sat November 24 - 4th Sat.
Wed November 28 - general,
Thursday November 01 - 729 tape drives
From Bob FeretichRon Williams was there, and Ed Thelen lurked about - but no tape people showed up.
Demos at Vintage Computer Festival Saturday November 3, 2007
Beta Test of 1401 formal demos
After a number of meetings, the Vintage Computer Festival was selected to provide a test platform for formal tours of the 1401. We have been giving informal tours and been handing out souvenir "powers of 2" and "BIG PRINT" printouts for over a year. Dan McInnis followed the plan, and is a real pro at speaking. Ron Williams was the 083 sorter operator and "computer operator". Ed Thelen collected visitor names and keypunched them for the BIG PRINT program.![]()
At a different VCF presentation,
Here is Lee Felsenstein, "moderator" of the old Homebrew Computer Club, and many other notable accomplishments, Wikipedia listing. At the Homebrew Computer Club he wielded a sizeable club as a show of authority/power - but has seemingly mellowed since;-))![]()
Wednesday November 7 - general
From Bob Feretich - received Sunday November 4 ,2007
I ran the test again. This time I used 80 character records. During the test (about 25 minutes), I performed several simultaneous downloads and C++ compiles. The resulting distribution was even tighter than with the 496 character record test. The worst case response time was about 5 mSec. See the attached histogram. ![]()
First, I need to update the driver documentation before I forget the changes.
Then, I plan to focus on the PIC firmware. Previously, I implemented a skeleton of the needed functionality. Now I need to implement the remainder of the message command set and the interface to the 1401 Tape Channel. I am probably a month away from attempting to pass records between the 1401 and PIC.Status:
Jeff is working on the Java Daemon and Applets. The general plan is that I will work from the top of the above list to the bottom, while Jeff works from the bottom upward. We should meet somewhere in the middle.
- The overall design has been proved to be satisfactory to handle the required response times.
- PIC firmware - a basic subset of functionality is implemented and working. The 1401 tape channel interface code needs to be implemented. I plan to focus in this area next and then work downward in this list. (50% complete)
- Kernel Driver (.sys) - main paths (interrupt request queuing, cancellation and servicing), are implemented and working. Work remains in IBM 729 emulation specific areas. More PIC firmware needs to be implemented before these areas can be tested. (80% complete)
- User Mode Driver (.dll) - This driver provides the interface between the Kernel Driver and the Java environment. A subset of commands are currently supported. (50% complete)
- Java Interface Classes - Java classes that provide access to the Tape Analyzer. (99% complete, modifications may be needed to make the Java Daemon easier to construct.
- Java Daemon - manages the tape file data and access to the Tape Analyzer.
- Java GUI Applets - The web browser user interface to all of the above.
BobFrom Allen Palmer - received Monday November 5, 2007
Forgot to answer this item
> ... Should we have an overall plan and recruit to it?Status ....
I ask the other team members for their ideas.
- Hopefully we have the Mod V reading & writing without error. We got the 'data' envelopes into spec last time we were there. I will check with Ron to see if he is still having read errors..
- I have ''stolen'' brushes and installed them in one of the other drives. I have applied power and started to de-bug it.
- Two other drives have been completely rebuilt and are awaiting brushes.
- The last drive is awaiting reinstalling the rebuilt parts.
- What can we do to get them up & running ............
- Steal more brushes & put them into the Mod V because Bob or Ron can work on the one because it is all SMS logic. The 729 on the display floor has brushes & if the museum will allow is to borrow these until we get some new ones made we can bring up this drive.
- Glen & I can reinstall the remaining parts in 2 full work days. That will leave us with the 3 Mod II & IV's. One of them I have already started working on.
- Once we get brushes we can work on the II & IV's. The Mod II & IV are very mechanical, all relays & timers. We can have put two teams together and they can work side by side helping each other bring them up in parallel..
Allen j PalmerFrom John Falk - received Monday November 5, 2007
Just a note about the three versions of 729's and how they were designated
- The original relay drives are called "RELAY"
- The second redesigned sms controlled are called "NOR" Drives ( for No Relays)
- The later and better drives were called "NorLay". (some relays were added back in for reliability)
- Visible at 4:00 were Ron Williams, Bob Erickson, Allen Palmer, Glenn Lea, Stan Paddock.
- Allen Palmer got the somewhat working 729 tape drive working a little better. Prolay activity to somewhat functional. During a test run, Stan said the thing sounded like the carburator was set too rich !! The chatter was not very regular. Then it decided not to work again :-(( Many short records just moved tape continuously :-((
- Bob Erickson declared the IBM 513 Reproducing Punch "fully functional". (An optional feature of an emitter back to an accounting machine does not work correctly - but we have no accounting machine - yet.)
I reproduced a 250 card deck with no krinkled kards - try that again - no crinkled cards ;-)) Apparently Bob Erickson got some better rubber thingies that help push cards into the output stacker.
But neither Stan nor I could figure how to finish the job by running the last cards out of the machine. The name of the operation is "Run Out". As soon as the machine senses no more cards in the read input hopper, it just stops, with two cards still in the rollers :-(( Trying to cheat by depressing the input hopper card sense switch allows one more card to go through - but then the next card station senses no card, and stops again :-(( - So there is still a card left in the machine :-| - Like still in there right now.
Current operating rules for 80-80 reproduction of a deck
- Turn on machine power (motor generator) with big switch on right of machine.
- Place plug board labeled "80 - 80 Repro" into plug board holder and lower handle
- Assure that the left three ganged switches are in the "DOWN" position
- Assure that the right three switches are in the "UP" position
- Probably best assure that the chad box is no more than 1/2 full
- Assure that the Punch Error Check Stop Bar is in normal position
- Put the deck to be reproduced in the left hand input hopper, face down, 12 edge in
- Put sufficient blank cards into the right hand input hopper, face down, 12 edge in
- Depress the "START" switch for at least two card cycles to get the job started
- If you need to stop the machine, depress the "STOP" switch
- ?How to run cards out of the machine?
- When leaving to machine, place the ON/OFF switch in the OFF (down) position -
this decreases wear on the big motor generator (and saves energy)
To be polite, empty the chad box -![]()
- Bob Erickson wants to start working on an IBM 503 accounting machine that is in the museum somewhere. He got some spare type bars and adding counters from ?his garage?.
- Stan Paddock is working to drive an IBM 026 from a PC so that we can punch cards from Ron Mak's ROPE. Stan is trying to find a premanufactured relay board so that he will not have to complete his home brew version. The search for an economical USB version (under say $400) is tough!!
Stan and somebody got these breakers cleaned, (by rubbing an IBM card through the contacts while the machine was running) and this new 083 works perfectly. (The old 083 from Germany as been removed from the 1401 restoration room - we couldn't even get the rusty thing to feed cards reliably. ![]()
Saturday November 11 - 2nd Saturday,
- Present were Ron Williams, Bob Erickson, Judith Haemmerle and Tim Coslett
This report is from Bob Erickson.- Bob & Judith worked on 513 user/operator instructions for us. Bob tried to remember, and Judith wrote 'em down ;-))
- Duplicating cards in the IBM 513 is not reliable yet. The first four cards of a test deck were bad.
- Ron was duplicating a deck with the 1401. Heck of jam in the 1402 punch, maybe 10 cards. Took a while to straighten it out.
- Grant Saviers is making new rubber shoes for punch side output hopper of the 513,
- Glen and Bob plan to talk Wednesday (14th) with ... about maybe making plastic (see through) covers on 513.
- Wednesday, general talk about getting permission to restore IBM 403 accounting machine?
- Keypunch #1 died, ? swapped a tube, then OK. Will wait for Frank King to test the tubes in the machine.
Wednesday November 14 - general
Present were (left to right) facing camera: (left picture) Bill Flora, Stan Paddock, Frank King, Joe Preston, Mike Cheponis, Glenn Lea, | (right picture) Glenn Lea, Bob Erickson, Jeff Stutzman, Allen Palmer, Ron Williams.
Not shown, Robert Garner, Ed Thelen![]()
- Robert Garner showed videos of his New York adventure.
Bob Erickson and Glenn Lea made transparent cover plates for the IBM 513 summary punch. Brown paper adheres to the plastic during shipping and working to help protect the plastic from scratches. The plastic is fastened to the 513 using already existing holes in the 513. ![]()
Allen and and the 729 tape drive guys are back from a summer play time building and shooting eight foot rockets. Allen and the crew have some catching up to do. ![]()
Ron Williams immortalized the summer rocketry with this statue of Allen at the firing button. Note the rope from the rocket around Allen's foot. If that rocket goes in a hurry, so does Allen ;-)) ![]()
Bill Flora and Frank King want to upgrade the lubricants we use on the equipment. The lubricants used by IBM were modern in the 1930s, but great improvements in adhesion, wear, ... were made in the 1970s for automobiles and aircraft. Here is Bill searching the LubriPlate web site for suitable "lubritection" replacements. ![]()
Stan Paddock is interfacing a PC to a keypunch so we can use Ron Mak's ROPE environment and automatically keypunch object decks. He can active the hole punch magnets - now for the card release control - ![]()
Consulting with Bob Erickson (513 in background) ![]()
Eureka, I found it. He then ordered a USB based box controlling 24 relays ( giving 10 spares). USB KeyPunch Preliminary Notes ![]()
Frank King is entertaining some visitors by sorting cards at 1000/minute, about 17/second.
We have been demoing/entertaining for months. Equipment, except for tapes, works. All anticipated software works - Powers of 2, Dan's System Exerciser, Big Print, all working for months - as far as the team is concerned, come one, come all :-))![]()
Fun & Games - Jeff Stutzman dreamed out loud of making a Tesla coil - that reminded Stan Paddock of a Ford coil test setup in his truck - ![]()
Wed November 21 - general
- Present were: Ron Williams, Allen Palmer, Frank King, Joe Preston, Glenn Lea, Stan Paddock, Ron Mak (for docent meeting)
This report from Ron Williams, mostly.- From Allen Palmer
Glenn & I worked today installing the new brushes in our working drive. We turn the machine on, ran Ron's test - the one that fails most of the time - plus test decks 5000 & 5030 many times all without failure. Not sure exactly why it ran perfectly, only time will tell. Next item it to put more of the new brushes together and install in the other Mod V. Once they are in we will turn on power and see what we get. Hoping for a quick bring up ( don't we always at least hope) .
allen"Ron's "far out theory" - bad brushes making sparks - spark gaps make broad band noises, might backup over an inter-record gap -
- Ron Williams, Stan Paddock, Ron Mak, Bill Worthington, Jim Somers - were at the 2:00 demo meeting.
- Ron Williams & Frank King changed the oil in the chain oiler, and did a standard chain cleaning. One print position died on wednesday, changing the driver card did no good - but started working again Saturday - driver signal looks good. 1403 look for back EMF - apparently looks for the back EMF - if incorrect back EMF, an error signal is generated - there was no error signal. Frank wonders if the tape in the magnetic gap is worn? We put in an unauthorized substitute a year or so ago.
- Joe was working on keypunches. The maintenance crew removed the white equipment status boards from the Liebert air conditioner - and did not replace them -
Saturday November 24 - 4th Saturday
- Present were: Ron Williams, Bob Erickson, Stan Paddock, Judith Haemmerle
This report from Ron Williams.- Judith, Stan Bob worked on 513, took out punch check unit (an assembly of some 80 relay/solenoids) and cleaned with air compressor outside. Reinstalled - worked much better - actually seems purfekt ;-)
- Stan and Ron repaired table on Sellam's keypunch. Folks should not try to lift 026 by the table. (It came here that way). Wood screws and two part epoxy were used.
One of ours has the same damage but the parts are not there, angled rod (threads into something that looks a Tee-nut (like in a furniture kit) - held in by tiny wood screws.
Wednesday November 28 - general
- from Stan Paddock - (Ron Mak said "glad to have another 'D' guy".)
Van, I got it. JOB DIVIDE TEST CTL 6611 * ORG 400 * (DIVIDEN) MILES DCW 001312 HOW MANY MILES DID YOU DRIVE? * (DIVISOR) GALLON DCW 13 HOW MANY GALLONS DID YOU USE? * BH DCW 000000 WHERE THE QUOTIENT WILL APPEAR BL DC 000 WHERE THE REMAINDER APPEARS * START H ZA MILES,BL CLEAR TO ZEROS D GALLON,BL-6 LOW ORDER OF DIVISOR ADDRESS * MINUS THE SIZE OF THE DIVIDEN * CS 299 MCW @MILES DRIVEN @,213 MCS MILES,220 MCW @GALLONS USED@,234 MCS GALLON,238 MCW @MILES PER GALLON @,260 MCS BH,277 MCW @ AND @,282 SW BL-2 MCS BL,285 CW BL-2 MCW @/@,288 MCS GALLON,295 W DONE H START END START- Present were: Ron Williams, Bob Erickson, Bill Flora, Frank King, Allen Palmer, Glenn Lea, Stan Paddock, Robert Garner, Ed Thelen. Timothy Dirks (new CHM Director of Education - not yet on the CHM website) came for an extended visit - he listened to everyone expound - a real challenge!!! I bet he doesn't want to do that again ;-)) Robert Feretich gathered up the TAU electronics chassis and cables and left.
- The 1402 card reader had a weird trouble - It would get Read Checks on any card. The problem was an open interlock - on the punch side !! (There is no interlock warning light.) So, lets take a little tour of the 1402 interlock system - incase some other poor fool gets nailed.
- 1402 Reader Interlock System
Part of 1402 Reader schematic ![]()
If the unit is "OFF LINE", cards will read, but give "READ CHECK"s ![]()
- 1402 Punch Interlock System
Punch die interlock - a real bear to close, even for experts !! ![]()
Prevents operation if hand crank inserted ![]()
Punch hopper release - somebody had played with this and the reader would not work!! ![]()
This black handle has to be up - or is it down? ![]()
- 1402 Door and panel interlocks
Interlock Override - pulled out is override, when door closes, the switch is pushed back and the override removed. ![]()
Inside left front door, and some other switch(s)?? ![]()
- Back to the 513 summary punch - which can also also operate as a gang punch and reproducing punch. (We will soon be able to make back up decks of our diagnostics :-))
Bob Erickson feels he is on the "home stretch". Put in some missing status lamps and fix a sick startup relay that had been jumpered to get this far.
We needed some candelabra lamps (Christmas tree style) - and had to borrow from Ron Williams - always a chancy undertaking. Ron had decorated some for a previous project/(prank?), but beggars can't be choosers :-((
Upper left - option switches; lower left - control relays; middle - status lamps and plugboard for reproducing with punch check; lower right corner - a bit of the newly cleaned punch check comparitor.![]()
Here are Bob Erickson and Frank King examining a defective startup relay - did I hear dirty contacts?? ![]()
- Every time I sit down to "enjoy a good book" - Ron Williams bugs me about the -12 volt 20 Amp power supply that causes POWER-UP excitement every few months - the 1401 system starts to power up - then cycles OFF. A person with special knowledge just removes a panel over the power supplies, resets the correct DC circuit breaker, and all is good to go again - for a few months -
Ron Crane has been very helpful in Circuit Breaker problems. Ron Crane has determined that the system draws 22 amps from this power supply, which sounds like shaky engineering, the only excuse might be that this is a fully "enhanced" system, far above the original concept. We decided to ask to look-at/borrow the - 12 volt power supply from Visible Storage. In a few minutes Alex Bochannek and Dag Spicer arrived to hear Ron Williams plead our case. Alex was instructed to let us borrow the Visible Storage power supply, and let us return a long ago borrowed + 6 volt power supply. We of course promised to document and photograph the actions - as follows.
Visible Storage 1401, before November 26 change ![]()
And After ![]()
Here is the rating document on the DC circuit breaker from Visual Storage ![]()
I removed the back of the circuit breaker to see if there were any "practical" adjustment possibilities - none visible ![]()
The little white paddle that appears to stick into the circuit breaker is the reporting switch to indicate to external circuitry the position of the main switch in the circuit breaker - through the small brown, blue and black wires. ![]()
- Two of the 026 key punches had damaged tables - The rather weak restraints to prevent pulling the table upward were broken - not particularly noticeable - but broken never the less. (There is a great tendency to move/lift an 126 by grabbing its table and doing whatever - but the table is not designed for that usage !!
We have otherwise fixed Sellam's 026 key punch which is going to visible storage. Stan Paddock decided to fix the two tables - two of the threaded angle rods had long since disappeared so Stan crafted two more. Notice the liberal application of 90 second epoxy. ![]()
- Occasionally frustration shows - The magnetic tapes have been a long time coming up. Here Ron Williams, Allen Palmer, and Bill Flora are having a puzzle - the "good" 729 is passing most tests but failing 3050 - which writes a 10 character record then simulates spacing over bad tape with 10 "skip tape" commands, writes another 10 character block, backs up over the two written blocks, reads the first block then tries to read the second block - something is wrong and the unit does not see the second block but searches on and on and on
Allen and I stayed 'till about 7:30. Allen wrestling with the problem, I reading a good book - on magnetic magic. Allen has also worked out a satisfactory recipe for showing magnetic domains on magnetic tape. Much better than the recipe of May 26, 2007.
What is the world is going on?? The scope shows OK ![]()
I forgot what was happening - looks worse than it was. I don't remember any of the IBMers using any crude or blue language. (You could get fired on the spot!!) ![]()
Allen is going through the cards loaded into the computer to get the gory details of what is in the machine. ![]()
- A very little magnetic stuff (Allen says "old, used magentic from the clutches".
- Suspended in acetone - stir frequently. Fluid looks almost transparent -
- Dunk tape into fluid, Shake off excess fluid before it dries.
He was able to clearly show the 10 character records (at 200 bpi) and the long inter-record gaps caused by the successive SKIP TAPE commands.
Glenn Lea spent many minutes trying to re-assemble something just back of the reels. This is the best picture I got, from many angles -
I never did see what was going on-![]()
Finally gave up and took this shot. ![]()
- Dennis Cassar, from facilities, came by. Stan Paddock and I showed him the Lieberts, the "uninterruptible" power supply for the CHM servers, the BIG switch to place the UPS on-line or by-pass, and the big (floor space) power distribution panel - all intended for hundreds of servers in the old SGI (former occupants) server farm. The 1401 group has been campaigning to get all of the above out of "our" room so we can cram in more of "our" stuff.
- "We" have started to use the Liebert by the observation window as the other Liebert reports "a compressor problem". "We" had not used the observation window Liebert as it was thought there was a problem with the cooler on the roof - apparently not so - system works well.
- In spite of public opinion, there seems to be heat exchangers in the Lieberts to cool the Freon. Apparently the cooling fluid to the roof coolers is water/Ethylene glycol rather than Freon - making moving Lieberts slightly easier - they are HEAVY BULKY beasts.
- There was a two hour CHM power outage last Sunday - the CHM website was unavailable. (CHM apparently hosts its own web site.) The "uninterruptible power supply" (UPS) did not work - probably for one or more of the following reasons
- The big red handled switch on the wall was set to "BYPASS", removing the possible output of the inverter from the intended loads
- The UPS reports "Inverter Problem"
- We couldn't find a log of battery service -
Battery service?? ![]()
The big red handled switch on the right was in the wrong position. ![]()
Inverter "OFF" ![]()
"UPS Output - 480 V, 3 PH, 60 HZ, 150 A, "
"Battery Current 275 A at 390 VDC"
that's 107.25 KW, over 140 horse power![]()
Some of "us" think the largely unused floor mounted power distribution cabinet could be removed. Currently the only load supplied from it (that we have found) are the key punches and work bench - which clearly don't need a 16 square foot power distribution cabinet :-| ![]()
- Should the museum go to all this trouble just to host its own web site? Most alarm systems come with their own battery backup?
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