from Stan Paddock, 10/26/2009

I know I am going to start another round of discussion with the enclosed subject, so I thought I would capture the facts first. If you have any questions, let me know.


Transfer Rates

Sheet 1: Transfer Rates

Sheet 2: Sheet1

Magnetic Tape

No. of units that can be connected

6 Units

No. of chars/linear inch of tape

556 Char/inch

Channels or tracks on the tape

7 Tracks/tape

Blank tape separating each record

0.75 Inches

Tape speed

75 Inches/sec

Transfer rate

15,000 to 62,500 Char/sec

Start time

7.3 or 10.8 Millisec

Stop time

7.3 or 10.8 Millisec

Average time for experienced

operator to change reel of tape

60 - 120 Seconds

Physical properties of tape


0.5 Inches

Length of reel

2,400 Feet



Two tape units can be specified:

729 II or 729 IV.

Records Record Length Blocking Factor Total Data Record Time Transfer rate

1000 80 1 80,000 12.0 6,667

1000 160 2 160,000 14.5 11,034

1000 320 4 320,000 19.5 16,410

1000 640 8 640,000 26.5 24,151

1000 1280 16 1,280,000 43.0 29,767

1000 2560 32 2,560,000 73.0 35,068

100% transfer rate 75 ips * 556 bpi =


Records Record Length Blocking Factor Record Length IN Record Time Records Time Per Cent Transfer Capstaan Time
1000 80 1 0.14 0 1.92 15.99% 10.08 ms
1000 160 2 0.29 0 3.84 26.46% 10.66 ms
1000 320 4 0.58 0.01 7.67 39.35% 11.83 ms
1000 640 8 1.15 0.02 15.35 57.92% 11.15 ms
1000 1280 16 2.3 0.03 30.70 71.38% 12.3 ms
1000 2560 32 4.6 0.06 61.39 84.10% 11.61 ms

11272.78 ms