Schedule December 2009
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Wed Dec 2 - General, Thurs Dec 3 - tape team, Wed Dec 9 - General, Thurs Dec 10 - tape team, Sunday Dec 13 - Last Day of Visible Storage Party Wed Dec 16 - General, Thurs Dec 17 - tape team , Wed Dec 23 - ? Most folks have said "Merry Christmas, See You Next Year :-))" Wed Dec 30 - General,
Wed December 02 - general
- Attendees: Ron Williams, Bob Erickson, Bill Flora, Frank King, Glenn Lea, Joe Preston, Bob Feretich, Judith Haemmerle, Don Luke, Stan Paddock, George Ahearn, Bill Newman, Jim Hunt, Robert Garner, Ed Thelen
Y. P. Cheng [ left ] was a guest of George Ahearn. Y. P. used to work at IBM with George in IBM :-)) - Ron Williams reported that BOTH 1401s were down.
- - the DE machine apparently has a common fault in the 1401, as neither the 1402 Card Reader nor the 1402 Card Punch would work.
- - CT 1402 Card Reader has a sequencing problem related to the card run-out control
- Jim Hunt check the transistors in another BOX of SMS card spares. This box had only 1 bad transistor :-))
Bill Flora [left] and Stan Paddock trying to determine the fault in the card reader run-out control logic in the CT 1402 ![]()
Since everyone seemed busy, productively, or at least faking it well, Ed Thelen decided to go home and nurse his cold in private.
Thursday December 03 - Tape Team
Wednesday December 09 - General
- Attendees: Ron Williams, Bob Erickson, Bill Flora, Frank King, Glenn Lea, Joe Preston, Judith Haemmerle, Don Luke, Stan Paddock, George Ahearn, Bill Newman, Jim Hunt, Robert Garner, Ed Thelen
Bill Newman trying to find why Channel A is dead in all three connected tape drives. ![]()
A crack, alowing flexture, seems bad news. ![]()
It is hard to see the crack full scale, across the whole face. ![]()
Jim Hunt noted that resistor packs made life simpler to manufacture. These are the same SMS card types. ![]()
Jim Hunt's home away from home :-)) ![]()
Thursday December 10 - Tape Team
Saturday December 12 - 2nd Saturday
Wednesday December 16 - General
- Attendees: Ron Williams, Bob Erickson, Bill Flora, Frank King, Glenn Lea, Joe Preston, Bob Feretich, Sam Sjogren, Judith Haemmerle, Don Luke, Stan Paddock, George Ahearn, Bill Newman, Jim Hunt, Robert Garner, Ed Thelen
The Media announces CRISES to help sell there papers and shows -OK, we have a CRISES. An editorial CRISES. How should this web site present people?
The fine print - well, OK, This isn't a crises -
- Robert Garner saw me taking the blue jeans butt pictures (below). He wants to show smiling faces. :-)))
- We are happy :-)))
- Ed Thelen (the writer of this) wants to show serious, frowning, sweating faces. :-(((
- We are busting our butts :-(((
- But you stopped channel surfing ;-|
Glenn Lea and Joe Preston doing something in one of the CT 729 tape drives - ![]()
We probably don't care which guy is which - ![]()
In a show of cooperation, here is Don Luke "smiling" ![]()
Maybe it is hard to smile when concentrating ?? ![]()
Stan wanted to try his pseudo sort while the tape team was about. - Cut off some highly used tape, and stick on a new leader foil.
WOOPS - Something slipped. That doesn't look so good :-(( ![]()
Jim Hunt - I bet he isn't smiling either :-| Trying to memorize a diagram of how the logic gates are arranged in a 1401 - ![]()
Smile for the camera ;-)) ![]()
- Robert Garner, we clearly work hard - at least sometimes - such as when there is a camera about -
- We appreciate the bagels for lunch, but how about a raise or caviar or champagne in the New Year? ;-))
Thursday December 17 - Tape Team
Wednesday December 23 - General
- Attendees:
Thursday December 24 - Christmas
Saturday December 26 - 4th Saturday
Wednesday December 30 - General
- Attendees: Ron Williams, Bob Erickson, Frank King, Glenn Lea, Joe Preston, Don Luke, George Ahearn, Jim Hunt, Ed Thelen ('till noon)
Randy Neff came in with this "printer art" advertisement for Alaska Airlines. - Later I went to visit Randy at the Babbage Difference Engine.
- Last Wednesday, there was a big to-do about an SMS card whose output oscillated even though the inputs were regular looking. So, the card was saved for demonstration to the camera this week :-))
Here is a good card in the slot in the 1401. The bottom trace is the output. ![]()
And of course you must sync the scope to get a stable pattern. And this is the point Ron Williams uses for this situation. ![]()
So I can't tell you what (if anything) he accomplished ;-)) ---------------------------------------------
- George Ahearn reports:
- Ron & I spent all day trying to get the DE system to read or punch cards. I t still refuses to do either. After replacing the transistor that produced the Armadillo trace we noticed that the 'A' Register gets a parity check during the processing of card rows. At the end of day we are persuaded that the address of the card read program is appearing in the 'A' Register along with the row count (ie 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A B AB). Taken together that would result in a parity check. None of this is certain, only speculation. On Wednesday we'll get another crack at it. It won't be long before we will send the 1401 back to the factory for a replacement. Then the factory technicians can have a go at it. No, I'm being silly.
- The 1406 problem on the CT system was solved by Ron & Bob on 12-19. They replaced a bad card.
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