Schedule August 2009
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Wed August 5 - General, Thurs August 6 - Tape Team , Sat August 8 - 2nd SatWed August 12 - General, Thurs August 13 - Tape Team, Wed August 19 - General, Thurs August 20 - Tape Team, Sat August 22 - 4th Sat Wed August 26 - General, Thurs August 27 - Tape Team, Sat August 29
Wed August 05 - general
- Working were: Ron Williams, Bob Erickson, Bill Flora, Frank King, George Ahearn, Joe Preston, Don Luke, Bill Newman, Jim Hunt, Robert Garner. Stan Paddock,
- Ed Thelen's ear doctor perforated Ed's ear drum. Ed can hear better but was missing from work, sneezing, blowing nose and feeling confused - so what else is new?
- This report is by Ron Williams, as distorted by the phone system and Ed Thelen.
- Frank King and Joe Preston brought a 729 (Mod ?) in from 1401 team's private storage, and cabled up. They then worked on old 729 problem, (overheating a rewind motor), swaping the driver card about caused other problems. There was no spare card, and no transistor to fix the card.
- Bill Newman made a hurried trip to Halted to get some needed transistors. Jim Hunt fixed the problem card (above) and some more cards.
- Bill Flora, George Ahearn and Ron Williams exercized the CT 1402 with the fixed follower/idler roller installed last Saturday. The last problem with the CT 1402 card reader may have been found. No card reader checks and no data errors over an extented test :-))
- Don Luke & Frank King helped in a variety of places
- Gramt Saviers had brought back the repaired motor for the 077 collator. Bob Erickson installed re-installed the motor ,
- Stan Paddock worked on a new demo program, pick a card, put it back in the deck, (in a different place), and the 1401 will find your card, placing it in a different hopper in the 1402.
- This report ends here, as Ed's attention span got exceeded :-((
Thursday August 06 - Tape Team
Saturday August 08 - 2nd Saturday
Wednesday August 12 - General
- Present were: Ron Williams, Bob Erickson, Bill Flora, Allen Palmer, Joe Preston, Don Luke, Stan Paddock, Bill Newman, Jim Hunt, Ed Thelen, Robert Garner.
- We demoed for 7 people.
Robert Garner introducing Shel Jacobs, 1401 product planner and 1401 champion. - Abstract
Shel talking. Not shown clearly is Shel's 1954 100% Quota Club Tie Pin. ![]()
- Jim Hunt fixed 6 more cards. Of course obtaining replacement transistors is "interesting". The 1401 is full of germanium "alloy" style transistors - obsolete for some years. We are beginning to substitute using silicon transistors, acceptable because of the wide voltage swings.
Allen Palmer showed off this newspaper of "Life Was Interesting days" when Intel and Microsoft were not dominant ;-)) ![]()
- Steve Paddock showed off his multiple tape demo program. A switch selectable number of tapes are written with random numbers of tape records - looks (and sounds) as though some serious work is being done ;-))
- The above is not a complete list of happenings - but ya gets what ya pays for -
Thursday August 13 - Tape Team
Wednesday August 19 - General
- Group picture, 8/19, with white shirt/ties.
- Present were: Ron Williams, Bob Erickson, Bill Flora, Frank King, Allen Palmer, Joe Preston, Don Luke, Bob Feretich, Stan Paddock, Sam Sjogren, Bill Newman, Ron Crane, George Ahearn, Jeff Stutzman, Mathias Goerner, Ed Thelen, Robert Garner.
- Jim Hunt had an excused absence - off to "Burning Man" to set up and play "Post Office" - I'm sure he said something like that - NAH - That cannot be ?
Robert Garner thought we would look good in the white shirts/ dark ties of the old days of IBM Customer Engineers. ![]()
Most of us have been struggling with 1401s for over 5 years - I feel we are a "band of brothers" :-))
Ed Thelen was almost late for the noon picture taking, no clue what happened in the morning - something about a birthday gift flight for his middle son, and coming down from a high ? The air was foggy or smoky - but a GREAT time.
Frank King (driver's seat) commuted in with Don Luke in this little thing. He says he traded in his old pickup truck "Klunker", with the government throwing in $4,500 to sweeten the deal. ![]()
Thursday August 20 - Tape Team
Saturday August 22 - 4th Saturday
Wednesday August 26 - General
- Present were: Ron Williams, Bob Erickson, Frank King, Joe Preston, Don Luke, Sam Sjogren, Bill Newman, George Ahearn, Ed Thelen, Robert Garner. We had 8 visitors two docents brought around.
- Santa arrived - well, transistors Robert Garner got from e-bay, :-)) and a big box of plugboard jumpers for a 403 or 407 type accounting machine :-))
Glen playing Santa ![]()
403 Type Jumpers ![]()
2N1302 - PNP transistors. We now have lots :-)) ![]()
2N1305 - NPN transistors ![]()
Isn't that just too sweet for words? ![]()
- A no costume day with a professional photographer and assistant
The classic photographer shoots photographer ![]()
Robert & Ron as Models ![]()
A view of the image on the PC ![]()
- The photographers finally left - our smile muscles were fatigued and painful. At last we could turn on the equipment, and frown and snarl as normal ;-))
- Ron Williams, George Ahearn and Bill Newman decided to try to fix the problem in the adder of the CT machine - something about failing to re-complement after a subtract if the larger value was in the a address, or was it the b - I forget.
- There are several methods of trouble shooting - one possibility if you have two machines, with only one bad - is to compare signals - this method might require little thinking :-))
- So, Ron Williams set up a program loop with appropriate data into both the DE (German) and CT (Connecticut) machines, and we could start comparative scoping
George placing a probe in the adder of the CT machine ![]()
Hmmm, what have we got ?? ![]()
Hmmm. this machine doesn't seem like ![]()
that machine ??!!?? - Is this the bug??
Curses !! The machines are not identical -
- a) one machine a 1962 revision level, the other a 1963
- b) one machine had the British Sterling option - really messing with the adder :-((
Probably have to get analytical, brain strain !! :-(((- Time to go home, another day -
Thursday August 27 - Tape Team
From Bob Feretich
Debug status of the CT 1401 -- 8-27-09 (Allen & I working that day)
Neither Sam nor I will be in next week. We plan to be back in two weeks.
- Fixed Complement Add/Subtract bug. An ALU Carry trigger was very slow. The carry bit would not initialize to 1 at the end of the "reverse scan" when running at speed. It seemed to initialize OK sometimes when running single cycle, but the failure in Run mode was consistent. I replaced the trigger card.
- I booted the CPU diagnostic test suite tape. Enabled the optional CPU diagnostics (indexing, modify address. etc.) Ran the test suite. The CT 1401 now runs all the CPU diagnostics we have cleanly. The above card replacement also seems to have fixed the Zone Add bug.
- The CPU Diagnostic Test Suite tape image is available in the 729 Tape Drive Emulator's library.
- Sam is working on a Reader/Punch/Printer Diagnostic Test Suite tape image and a 729 Tape Drive Diagnostic Test Suite tape image. We will place them in the library after we have verified them.
- There are several diagnostic tests that are missing from our suite. For example, we don't have any Multiply, Divide, or memory tests. If anyone can obtain them, we can add them to the test suite.
Bob Feretich
Robert Garner responded
Bob, Sam, et al, The CT 1401 now runs all the CPU diagnostics we have cleanly. You guys are incredible - great work!!!!! For cc'ers - The diagnostic tape image was uploaded into the CT 1401 via the 729 Emulator box (from a file in the PC). Pics of the 729 Emulator: - Robert
Saturday August 29from Stan Paddock
Robert, Great news on fixing the CT Complement Add/Subtract bug. However, that bug is not what stopped the 1402 from reading cards. Ron Williams and Bob Erickson worked on it today and Bob found a loose connection. The reader now works fine. I ran my tape demonstration tape program on the CT machine and part way into the program, we get a memory error. The program works fine on the German machine. Have to look into this. We had quite a few guests in today. Some in the scheduled group and many people who just stopped by. Number 4 keypunch is down. It looks like it tossed it's belt. Will fix it next week. Stan
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