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Interactive Hexapawn Game Program

from Ron Mak
ron (at) apropos-logic (dot) com
Sept 20, 2009

OK, you guys asked for it. BASIC, indeed!

Here's the Autocoder source for a simple board game called Hexapawn that I wrote back in high school. I "revived" it a couple of years ago from my old listings but then decided it was too dangerous to unleash upon the unsuspecting world. I just did a quick run via ROPE and the program seems to work. It's mildly amusing.

There's no documentation other than the source code. But here's the idea: The game is played with chess pawns on an 8-by-8 board that's printed. The computer's pieces are labeled C and your pieces are labeled Y. A pawn can move forward one row into an empty square, or it can capture an opponent's pawn diagonally one row forward and one column over left or right (just like chess pawns). The winner is either the player who first gets a pawn into the opponent's home row (simple version) or the player who gets the most pawns into the opponent's home row (less simple version).

You get to move first. You specify each of your moves via the sense switches. First, identify the pawn you want to move by row and column. Set the row number in binary using switches BCD and the column number in binary using switches EFG. For example, row 5 column 1 is BDG. Press the "Continue program" button. Now indicate with the sense switches how you want your piece to move: B = capture left, C = move forward, D = capture right, BCD = game over. Press the "Continue program" button again. After your move, the computer will make its move.

Sorry, I didn't know anything about "artificial intelligence" back in high school, so the computer's play is not too smart. Nor is it very good about handling input errors.

-- Ron


               JOB  Interactive Hexapawn Game Program
               CTL  6611
     *  Interactive Hexapawn Game Program
     *      by Ronald Mak
     *  Original: February 1969
     *  Revived:  February 2005
               ORG  87
     X1        DSA  0                  index register 1
               ORG  92
     X2        DSA  0                  index register 2
               ORG  97
     X3        DSA  0                  index register 3
               ORG  201
               DCW  @          The Hexapawn Game@
               ORG  333
     START     W                        print title
               CS   299
               B    PRINT               print initial board
     *  Your move
     YOUR      A    &1,MCOUNT           print move header
               MCW  @: YOU@,215
               MCW  MCOUNT
               MCW  @MOVE #@
               MZ   @ @,209
               CS   299
     GETFRM    H
     * Get from row from sense switches BCD.
               ZA   &7,ROWFRM
               BSS  *&8,B
               S    &4,ROWFRM
               BSS  *&8,C
               S    &2,ROWFRM
               BSS  *&8,D
               S    &1,ROWFRM
     * Get from column sense switches EFG.
               ZA   &7,COLFRM
               BSS  *&8,E
               S    &4,COLFRM
               BSS  *&8,F
               S    &2,COLFRM
               BSS  *&8,G
               S    &1,COLFRM
     * Check move from position.
               MCW  ROWFRM,ROW          check board[row, col] for a C
               MCW  COLFRM,COL
               B    GET                 get the board piece
               BCE  GETFRM,PIECE,.      don't want a .
               BCE  GETFRM,PIECE,C      don't want a C
               B    GETTYP
     * Bad move from position.
     BADFRM    MCW  COLFRM,224
               MCW  @,@
               MCW  ROWFRM
               MCW  @***** BAD POSITION: @
               MZ   @ @,224
               MZ   @ @,222
               CS   299
               B    GETFRM
     * Get move type sense switches BCD.
     GETTYP    H
               ZA   &7,TYPE
               BSS  *&8,B
               S    &4,TYPE
               BSS  *&8,C
               S    &2,TYPE
               BSS  *&8,D
               S    &1,TYPE
     * Check move type.
               C    TYPE,&7             if TYPE = 7
               BE   OVER                    then game over
               C    TYPE,&4             if TYPE = 4
               BE   CAPTRL                  then go capture left
               C    TYPE,&2             if TYPE = 2
               BE   FORWRD                  then go forward
               C    TYPE,&1             if TYPE = 1
               BE   CAPTRR                  then go capture right
     * Bad type.
     BADTYP    MCW  TYPE,223
               MCW  @***** BAD MOVE TYPE: @
               MZ   @ @,223
               CS   299
               B    GETTYP
     * Move forward.
     FORWRD    MCW  ROWFRM,ROW          check board[row+1, col] for a .
               A    &1,ROW              check next row
               MCW  COLFRM,COL          check same column
               B    GET                 get the board piece
               BCE  BADFRM,PIECE,C      don't want a C
               BCE  BADFRM,PIECE,Y      don't want a Y
               MCW  ROWFRM,ROWTO        safe to move forward
               A    &1,ROWTO            ahead one row
               MCW  COLFRM,COLTO        in the same column
               B    MOVE
               B    YCHECK              check for winners
     * Capture left.
     CAPTRL    BCE  BADFRM,COLFRM,?     if not column 0 then
               MCW  ROWFRM,ROW
               A    &1,ROW                  if board[row+1, col-1]
               MCW  COLFRM,COL
               S    &1,COL
               B    GET
               BCE  CAPTRC,PIECE,C              = C then capture it
               B    BADTYP                          else move type
     * Capture right.
     CAPTRR    BCE  BADFRM,COLFRM,G     if not column 7 then
               MCW  ROWFRM,ROW
               A    &1,ROW                  if board[row+1, col+1]
               MCW  COLFRM,COL
               A    &1,COL
               B    GET
               BCE  CAPTRC,PIECE,C              = C then capture it
               B    BADTYP                          else move type
     CAPTRC    MCW  ROW,ROWTO           make the capture
               MCW  COL,COLTO
               B    MOVE
     * Check for Y pieces in computer's home row.
     YCHECK    C    &7,ROWTO            if row > 0
               BL   COMPT1                  then your turn next
               A    &1,YCOUNT               else add 1 to YCCOUNT
     *  Computer's move
     * Look for a capture from rows 1 through 7
     COMPT1    S    ROWFRM
     NXROW1    A    &1,ROWFRM           next from row
               BCE  COMPT2,ROWFRM,H     if row = 8 then go to COMPT2
               SBR  X3,SCAN
     NXCOL1    MCW  0&X3,COLFRM         next from column
               BWZ  NXROW1,COLFRM,K     if col < 0 then do next row
               MCW  ROWFRM,ROW          check board[row, col] for a C
               MCW  COLFRM,COL
               B    GET                 get the board piece
               BCE  SKIPR1,PIECE,.      don't want a .
               BCE  SKIPR1,PIECE,Y      don't want a Y
               BCE  SKIPL1,COLFRM,0     if not column 0 then
               MCW  ROWFRM,ROW
               S    &1,ROW                  if board[row-1, col-1]
               MCW  COLFRM,COL
               S    &1,COL
               B    GET
               BCE  CAPTUR,PIECE,Y              = Y then capture it
     SKIPL1    BCE  SKIPR1,COLFRM,7     if not column 7 then
               MCW  ROWFRM,ROW
               S    &1,ROW                  if board[row-1, col+1]
               MCW  COLFRM, COL
               A    &1,COL
               B    GET
               BCE  CAPTUR,PIECE,Y              = Y then capture it
     SKIPR1    SBR  X3,1&X3             point to next column number
               B    NXCOL1              do next column
     CAPTUR    MCW  ROW,ROWTO           make the capture
               MCW  COL,COLTO
               B    MOVE
               B    CCHECK              check for winners
     * Look for a safe move from rows 2 through 7
     COMPT2    ZA   &1,ROWFRM
     NXROW2    A    &1,ROWFRM           next from row
               BCE  COMPT3,ROWFRM,H     if row = 8 then go to COMPT2
               SBR  X3,SCAN
     NXCOL2    MCW  0&X3,COLFRM         next from column
               BWZ  NXROW2,COLFRM,K     if col < 0 then do next row
               MCW  ROWFRM,ROW          check board[row, col] for a C
               MCW  COLFRM,COL
               B    GET                 get the board piece
               BCE  SKIPR2,PIECE,.      don't want a .
               BCE  SKIPR2,PIECE,Y      don't want a Y
               MCW  ROWFRM,ROW          check board[row-1, col] for a .
               S    &1,ROW              check next row
               MCW  COLFRM,COL          check same column
               B    GET                 get the board piece
               BCE  SKIPR2,PIECE,C      don't want a C
               BCE  SKIPR2,PIECE,Y      don't want a Y
               BCE  SKIPL2,COLFRM,0     if not column 0 then
               MCW  ROWFRM,ROW
               S    &2,ROW                  if board[row-2, col-1]
               MCW  COLFRM,COL
               S    &1,COL
               B    GET
               BCE  SKIPR2,PIECE,Y              = Y then don't go there
     SKIPL2    BCE  FORWD2,COLFRM,7     if not column 7 then
               MCW  ROWFRM,ROW
               S    &2,ROW                  if board[row-2, col+1]
               MCW  COLFRM, COL
               A    &1,COL
               B    GET
               BCE  SKIPR2,PIECE,Y              = Y then don't go there
     FORWD2    MCW  ROWFRM,ROWTO        safe to move forward
               S    &1,ROWTO            ahead one row
               MCW  COLFRM,COLTO        in the same column
               B    MOVE
               B    CCHECK              check for winners
     SKIPR2    SBR  X3,1&X3             point to next column number
               B    NXCOL2              do next column
     * Look for any legal move from rows 1 through 7
     COMPT3    S    ROWFRM
     NXROW3    A    &1,ROWFRM           next from row
               BCE  OVER,ROWFRM,H       if row = 8 then game over
               SBR  X3,SCAN
     NXCOL3    MCW  0&X3,COLFRM         next from column
               BWZ  NXROW3,COLFRM,K     if col < 0 then do next row
               MCW  ROWFRM,ROW          check board[row, col] for a C
               MCW  COLFRM,COL
               B    GET                 get the board piece
               BCE  SKIPR3,PIECE,.      don't want a .
               BCE  SKIPR3,PIECE,Y      don't want a Y
               MCW  ROWFRM,ROW          check board[row-1, col] for a .
               S    &1,ROW              check next row
               MCW  COLFRM,COL          check same column
               B    GET                 get the board piece
               BCE  SKIPR3,PIECE,C      don't want a C
               BCE  SKIPR3,PIECE,Y      don't want a Y
               MCW  ROWFRM,ROWTO        make the legal move
               S    &1,ROWTO            ahead one row
               MCW  COLFRM,COLTO        in the same column
               B    MOVE
               B    CCHECK              check for winners
     SKIPR3    SBR  X3,1&X3             point to next column number
               B    NXCOL3              do next column
     * Check for C pieces in your home row.
     CCHECK    A    &1,MCOUNT           print move header
               MCW  @: COMPUTER@,220
               MCW  MCOUNT
               MCW  @MOVE #@
               MZ   @ @,209
               CS   299
               B    PRINT               print board after move
               C    &0,ROWTO            if row > 0
               BH   YOUR                    then your turn next
               A    &1,CCOUNT               else add 1 to CCOUNT
               B    YOUR                your turn next
     * Game over
     OVER      NOP
     FINIS     H    FINIS
     BOARD     DCW  0
               DC   @CCCCCCCC@
               DC   @........@
               DC   @........@
               DC   @........@
               DC   @........@
               DC   @........@
               DC   @........@
               DC   @YYYYYYYY@
     ROW       DCW  0                   board row (0-7)
     COL       DCW  0                   board column (0-7)
     ROWFRM    DCW  0                   row to move from
     COLFRM    DCW  0                   column to move from
     ROWTO     DCW  0                   row to move to
     COLTO     DCW  0                   column to move to
     PIECE     DCW  0                   board piece (C, Y, or .)
     TYPE      DCW  0                   type of your next move
     MCOUNT    DCW  000                 move count
     CCOUNT    DCW  0                   count of winning C's
     YCOUNT    DCW  0                   count of winning Y's
     SCAN      DCW  3                   computer's col scan sequence
               DCW  4
               DCW  2
               DCW  5
               DCW  1
               DCW  6
               DCW  0
               DCW  7
               DCW  -1
     *  Subroutine to move the board piece
     *  from (row-from, col-from) to (row-to, col-to).
     MOVE      SBR  MOVEX&3
               MCW  ROWFRM,ROW
               MCW  COLFRM,COL
               B    GET
               MCW  PIECE,MOVEPC
               MCW  @.@,PIECE
               B    SET
               MCW  ROWTO,ROW
               MCW  COLTO,COL
               MCW  MOVEPC,PIECE
               B    SET
     MOVEX     B    000
     MOVEPC    DCW  0
     *  Subroutine to get the board piece at (row, col).
     GET       SBR  GETX&3              set return address
               B    POSIT               (row, col) => board address
               MN   0&X1,PIECE          get piece at board position
               MZ   0&X1,PIECE
     GETX      B    000                 return
     *  Subroutine to set the board piece at (row, col).
     SET       SBR  SETX&3              set return address
               B    POSIT               (row, col) => board address
               MN   PIECE,0&X1          set piece at board position
               MZ   PIECE,0&X1
     SETX      B    000                 return
     *  Subroutine to point X1 to the board position at (row, col).
     POSIT     SBR  POSITX&3            set return address
               ZA   &7,X1               (7
               S    ROW,X1                 - row)
               A    X1
               A    X1
               A    X1                           *8
               A    COL,X1                          + col
               SBR  X1,BOARD&1&X1       offset into board
               MZ   @ @,X1              X1 = address of board[row, col]
     POSITX    B    000                 return
     *  Subroutine to print the game board.
     PRINT     SBR  PRINTX&3            set return address
               SBR  X1,BOARD            point X1 to start of board
               ZA   &8,PRTROW           row = 8
               CS   299
     * Loop once per row 7, 6, ... 0
     PRTLPR    S    &1,PRTROW           row = row - 1
               BWZ  PRTRDN,PRTROW,K     if row < 0 then rows done
               MCW  PRTROW,210          print row number
               MZ   @ @,210
               MCW  @ - @,213
               SBR  X2,212              point X2 into print area
               ZA   &8,PRTCOL           col = 8
     * Loop once per column 0, 1, ..., 7
     PRTLPC    S    &1,PRTCOL           col = col - 1
               BWZ  PRTCDN,PRTCOL,K     if col < 0 then columns done
               SBR  X1,1&X1             bump X1 by 1 (board pointer)
               SBR  X2,2&X2             bump X2 by 2 (print pointer)
               MN   0&X1,0&X2           print board piece
               MZ   0&X1,0&X2
               MCW  @ @,1&X2
               B    PRTLPC              go back to print next column
     PRTCDN    W                        print row
               B    PRTLPR              go back to print next row
     * Print column numbers.
     PRTRDN    MCW  @---------------@,228
               CS   299
               MCW  @0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7@,228
               CS   299
     PRINTX    B    000                 return
     PRTROW    DCW  0
     PRTCOL    DCW  0
               END  START