There was myself, I transferred out here from
Endicott, and there was Roy Harper and Bryan Ottley and Bill Peck and Chuck
Probster and Fred Jones. We sort of formed a team to develop the architecture
for the new process control system which eventually turned out to be the 1800.
So we had two parallel new processor developments going on out here in San
Jose. And if we had continued as two separate groups, we would have had
two separate machines entirely different with a need for the development of
two separate programming systems developments. Now that sort of thing
is frowned on. The question always comes up why can't these two groups
that are doing two different things, why can't they get together and do the same
So we made an effort and the groups were merged together in a task
force with the objective of designing one CPU that would work for both process
control and for the small scientific 1620 replacement. It was recognized
that the requirements were different but hopefully one processor could emerge
that would serve both requirements.
We made such a design and we
proceeded to implement that design and it wasn't very long ... a few weeks later
that we were asked to investigate the possibility of making a System/360 compatible
CPU to meet those two requirements. We worked very hard on that problem
trying to develop a piece of hardware
S. | Well what was it about the 360 compatibility created these undesirable effects
U. | The 360 instruction set is very complex, very large. The channel
concept, the standard interface channel concept in the 360 is very involved
and very complex, very expensive ......
S. | Its complexity is due to the desire for compatibility which you have
to add on to make it compatible.
U. | Well the 360 itself is complex because it wants to do so many different
kinds of data processing jobs, commercial and scientific and it wasn't designed
to do process control. Now there's a unique requirement in process control.
- One has to sense a
large number of sensors out in the process. It can be contacts or the voltage
sensors, temperature sensors, flow meters and so on.
- And another thing
the system has to do is respond very rapidly to an interrupt. The 360 is not
designed for fast response to an interrupt. It is just inherent in the system.
It can't do it. Not unless you put an awful lot of money into the hardware.
So the decision was made...
- oh and another thing, the 1130 didn't need the
complexity of System/360. That is it didn't need decimal arithmetic, editing
capabilities and so on that is in 360.
So our studies showed time and time
again that the best compromise would be a machine which had 30 per cent
less performance, and 15 per cent more cost and so the decision was, okay
don't go compatible. Build this new processor which turned out to be a procensor
that is common to both the 1130 and the 1800 and not compatible with
360. And believe me, that was a mistake In retrospect, that was a mistake.
S. | Why?
U. | We have compatibility problems today that just won't stop. Peopie
do want t to grow out of 1130's into Model 30 and Model 40's and Model 44's
and they can't do it without a great deal of reprogramming.
S. | What about this s process control machine?
U. | Well you see we had to develop a whole new set of software for the
1800 and we couldn't capitalize on anything that was already developed for 360.
It is hard to measure the size of that error so I can't really say that it was
an error but it appears to be today.
S. | Well what you are implying that the whole philosophy of the 360
has been going on for a long time and that standardization was really a desirable
feature and that it would eventually pay for itself.
U. | This probably is true. I have to believe that it is true. It is unfortunate
though that the 360 wasn't designed for process control also. They
designed it for data processing, commercial data, processing and for scientific
work but they didn't design it for process control.
The interruptability
is very poor in System/360 and channels are expensive. Tile response
is bad. I think it will be interesting to find out what some of these other people
have to Say about this same subject.
S. | Well in the design of the 1130 and the 1800 CPU which
is common you say, what did that stem from? Was this entirely new?
U. | It was entirely new. There was nothing like it before and those
two systems have the same processes because they were both developed in
San Jose at the same time and the corporation said you can
only have one CPU out there, not two.
S. | So that CPU I take it was designed both for the qualities of
process control which equips interrupts in a lot of channels. Are those good
for a small scientific machine also ?
U. | Yes. The 1130 and the 1800 are pretty good for their application.
S. | Was there anything novel in the design of this equipment?
U. | There was one thing that is novel in the design of the CPU in the
1800 and that is the arithmetic section. That's novel, it is low cost but it is
a poor performer and I think we made a mistake by trying to do things as cheaply
as we possibly could. I really think we made a mistake.
The nature of the
arithmetic unit in the 1800 is such that it is hard to predict how long it is going
to take to add two numbers together. You're never really sure. You know
that it won't be longer than X number of microseconds but it might be as short
as two microseconds and you don't really know it and you really should know
when you are trying to control a real time process. We have a number of
complaints from our customers about the fact that you can't predict how long
it is goo going to take to execute a program. But it was cheap and I think that was
the mistake.
S. | Technologically is there anything in it that we should talk about
that differentiates it from other CPU's in particular?
U. | No, other than the fact that we tried to pack all of the information
relevant to an instruction in one or two words. Now 360 has variable size
instructions and they are either two bite or four bite or eight bites long or six
bites long, I forget. They vary in length. And it takes more core to store a
program to do a job in 360 than it does to do the same program in 1130.
requirements for 360 are quite different. They have to address large cores.
They have so many high powered instructions in the machine. The requirements
are quite different. I wish though that we could have found a way to make
the 1130 and the 1800 360 compatible.
S. | Well you did but it wasn't considered worth while, is that right?
U. | That's right.
S. | Do you wish you could have found a way to make it compatible at a
15 per cent increase or a 30 per cent increase in performance and a 15 per cent
reduction in cost rather than the other way around?
U. | Uh huh.
S. | Is there anything more about that... about those machines
that we should mention from a technological point of view?
U. | I don't think so.
S. | So the philosophical end of it is apparently the key thing in the design
of those e machines.
U. | That's right.
S. | Otherwise it was a straight forward engineering job.
U. | That's right, it was quite a straight forward engineering job.